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VirtualBranding TM

Customer Service Level Commitments

We want to provide the very highest levels of service and aim to deliver an informative, effective and friendly experience for our customers at all times through our communication.

We are here to answer your calls during UK office hours and quite often also outside these hours.  Where possible all telephone enquiries will be responded to at the point of your first call.  If we are not able to answer your query we will take your details, find out the information you need and call you back.

All email enquiries are dealt with in date order and you will receive a response within one-three working days.

We would love to know when we have done a great job and when we could have done better, so we can continue to improve.  If you have a few minutes to spare please send us an email with your feedback:  feedback@virtualbranding.co.uk

Complaints and Appeal Procedures

We are committed to providing high standards of service to our customers but understand that sometimes things can go wrong.  If you are not satisfied with any part of our service then we want to know about it.  We will resolve your complaint as quickly as possible and if appropriate provide an explanation as to what went wrong and how we will seek to resolve the issue.

Please contact us initially via email: complaints@virtualbranding.co.uk or via Tel: +44 (0)1666-577 861, Mob: +44 (0)7958-601 042.  We may call you back or write to you depending on the best way to resolve your complaint.

-When we receive your complaint we will acknowledge it within three or five working days

-We will then fully investigate your complaint and aim to respond within 10 working days

-If the situation requires a longer investigation, we will contact you within 10 working days to inform you of this and let you know when you can expect our response

-If you are not happy with the explanation we give you, you can contact our Customer Service Manager who will review your complaint and respond to you.

Complaints Procedure

We are here to help!  We will treat you with respect and courtesy and will do all we can to make sure you are satisfied at all times with the help and guidance we give you.

However, if for any reason you are not satisfied, please contact us so we can investigate and respond to your complaint.  If you are not happy with the response you receive and wish to take it further, please follow our complaints procedure as detailed below:

We give our commitment that your concerns will be fully investigated.

If you have made a complaint and are not happy with the response, you should send us your escalated complaint to our Customer Services Manager via email complaints@virtualbranding.co.uk and via postal mail/Recorded Delivery to:

Attn: Customer Services Manager
Office 97804
PO Box 7169
BH15 9EL
United Kingdom

When making an escalated complaint, please ensure that you include full details of your complaint, and reasons for your dissatisfaction with our response.  You will receive an acknowledgement within two working days and a final response within 10 working days.

If the situation requires a longer investigation, we will contact you within 10 working days to inform you of this and let you know when you can expect our response.  Your complaint will also be kept on file to enable us to monitor the number and types of complaints we receive.

All complaints to our Customer Services Manager should be made in writing and include the following information:

-Your name and contact details and account information if appropriate

-The domain name(s) concerned (if appropriate)

-A clear description of your concern or complaint

-What steps you would like us to take to resolve the issue

Please write "Complaint" clearly on the top of your letter and in the subject line of your email.

If we do not hear from you within 20 days since our last reply to you we will consider the case to have been resolved.

Our Commitment to our Staff

We are committed to our customers and providing the best service possible.  We are also committed to providing a safe and appropriate working environment for our staff.  Our staff have the right to be treated with respect and courtesy.  We will not accept instances of verbal, written or physical harassment or abuse of our staff.

We reserve the right, where our staff are subjected to unacceptable conduct or communication, to restrict or refuse access to our services (e.g. we may ask you to only correspond with us in writing or to a specific contact).

What if I have Suggestions and Comments rather than a Complaint?

We always welcome feedback on any aspect of our policy, procedures or services.  If you would like to send us suggestions or comments please send these to:  feedback@virtualbranding.co.uk

Contact VirtualBranding

Office 97804
PO Box 7169
BH15 9EL
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1666-577 861
Mob: +44 (0)7958-601 042

Email:  team@virtualbranding.co.uk

Abuse complaints:  abuse@virtualbranding.co.uk

© 2022, VirtualBranding TM  |  All Rights Reserved Page Updated: 6th April 2022